Tuesday, August 30, 2022

What truly needs to be in asymmetrical horror games

Asymmetrical horror games are becoming huge hits across the board. While asymmetrical games have been a growing hit with Identity V, more have grown in popularity among horror lovers and gamers alike. 
    Streamers often skip over these types of games because they can become very repetitive and drone over the same content over and over but many have grown to love this style. Not only do fans love playing these games, they build communities based on these games across online forums, Reddit, Twitter and now even Facebook group communities are populating.

     We have seen these communities rise through the rising popularity of Dead by Daylight and many have coined this game the "Horror Hall of Fame". It very well could hold such a title if it ever brought in Jim Bob Briggs and Darcy the Mail Ghoul or even The Boulet Brothers as Killers from Dragula with Biqtch Puddin as one of the many survivors.

   While there's a plethora of horror content DBD may lack in, this leaves opportunity for other developers to grab hold of horror franchise licensing and create their own game or even create a Roblox style of gaming setup that would allow for a true existence of asym horror franchises to grow and become the true headliner act of "The Horror Hall Of Fame". 

     So what would gamers, horror fans, content creators and their viewers want to come together to see and participate as a community? We can look to these communities to see these ideas sprout daily.

     Currently there's a huge demand for a horde style battle of Army of Darkness in Castle Kandar where survivors would work together to keep Evil Ash from breaking down the castle walls and lead Ash to victory in defeating the invading deadites in a castle clash style horde mode. 

    Just imagine, you're Evil Ash, set to build units, ressurect your armies from their graves and pummel castle Kandar in one last massive battle. Survivors scrambling to stop the trebuchet, incoming flaming boulders from catapults and burning carcasses launched over the castle walls that can poison and even cause mass possession to take place inside.
      When under posession other teaming demon players reek havock from inside the walls while evil ash and his army continue to push from the outside to break in. The Pit Witch breaks free from the pit to cause chaos inside. 

     So many possibilities could happen with this one major content push from Saber Interactive Evil Dead the game. A fairly new title in the asym horror world that has taken horror fans by storm. Jump into game today to see what the hype is about and join a community to see these growing ideas for a horde mode!

     Everyone remembers the amazing but quickly dead Friday the 13th asym horror and plenty of other contenders have entered the battlefield and have been glorious but what are we missing currently besides a horde mode battle Royale inside castle Kandar? 

     Imagine an asym horror game that changes. That's a lot to take in and would be some serious work for any developer or even team of developers. An asym game that pushed boundaries and comfort. A psychological thriller included in the horror gaming industry. Teams working together to win to realize, they have been the evil ones all along. The havok they reeked to out the Demons turns out, weren't Demons but normal people fighting to keep their lives safe 👀. 

     Imagine asym where winning can sometimes turn into losing and there is no up or down. Surviving alone one game would be the true victory while bringing your team in for the win could be the loss. After winning a short horror film plays on to inform you of the latter years on what transpired after the win. Your saving them was bringing the Demons across the threshold of hell and now they're on earth and you now have to go into a new match to battle them and the only ones left to help you are those you didn't defeat in the match prior. 
    Mind blowing! We know 🤯🤯. This type of game could seriously change the playgrounds and communities throughout the asym gaming world. Would you be up for that? Leave your thoughts, help expand, let's get these ideas in front of developers and streamers to make them popular and make them happen. What ideas do you have to help grow the asym horror gaming world as we know it? No boundaries here. Let's create the future of asym horror together! 

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