Friday, October 21, 2022

Ghostbusters Spirits unleashed Guide

 First let's just say, this game is a win and an absolute blast to play. There's not a lot of maps and content out for it just yet but there is a lot to unlock to push forward. With the lack of any type of ranking system, matchmaking can and will prove to be a heavy task for casual players as you'll be put against players who have everything unlocked!

That said, don't let this sway you from the game. Mayo is here to tell you, how to kick the game up a notch, have a blast and beat those better players... If you lose, you'll have an epic time doing so instead of feeling hopeless, so follow along and make sure to catch live game play over at my Twitch or check my walk throughs being made right now at my YouTube.

So let's dive right in and see what's going on over here. The first thing I'll do is throw out the most important tips if you're just itching to dive right in and want to feel it all yourself, use these few quick tips to do just that but make sure to swing back by the twitch and YouTube to see what else is going on ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ‘€.

First thing diving right in, select your job and before you ready up, push the up on your D-Pad to select your preference to play, Ghostbuster, Ghost or no preference. This will allow you to possibly be your preference. Currently a lot of new players have no clue so there's not many ghost players, use this time to unlock everything on your ghost. 

Not ready to do pvp? Instead of using quick match, select specific jobs. You'll still get experience, unlocks, mission progress and everything else from a pvp but you'll be playing with bots. As a Ghostbuster, havin bots on your team is actually good. They work as a team, they have a good programmed brain so wipe out rifts nearly instantly and will also catch ghosts. As a ghost, this might suck and lead you to pvp where your rifts will be harder to find, you can trick survivors away from rifts and stand a chance to level up faster.

Now that you're in a match, there's a lot going on, let's tackle ghost here first since it appears to be the hardest, but it isn't. As ghost your goal is to haunt the building and stay alive after to win. Seems simple, nope but I'll help it be simple here.

Find a small room, break everything in it. Hide in an object and swing to exit and it will both jump scare a survivor and or Ghostbuster and slime them. Two things in one go. A Ghostbuster with fear cannot calm survivors, and makes them more susceptible to ghost haunts. What's this mean? If you haunt items they make a sound and help slime things. If a Ghostbuster has high fear they will get slimed/damaged and downed just by hearing you, your haunted items or being near them. So haunt items to both scare survivor's and busters while raising the haunt of the building. 

Now I said a small room, why? You don't want to haunt a little bit of everything, you do not need to truly haunt every inch of the map, nope! Haunt 100% of any room and get a huge bonus to your 100% building haunt. Somewhere between 2-3 rooms, pending map, will fully haunt a building even if tons of survivors are left. You can slowly max a rooms gaunt by simply hiding in it forever but that's boring. If you love to camp, this strategy is for you. On the other hand, hiding to refuel energy, a must, you can haunt that room out. Remember to haunt other items to both throw busters off the trail while gaining that haunt boost! 

Now you fantastic spectral slurm slinging spirit, go out and haunt your best. Remember, you can turn off busters traps, break their traps, rehide your rifts even while they're under attack and roll around the map while in posession of anything. So posess everything, move around the map largely unnoticed while in posession of items to hold and recover your energy and provide a shield if they have found you. Move the item next to another item and quickly posess the next item directly from your current posession๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ. 

Take advantage of hiding in items, using your right trigger to jump from an item and swing both hitting and scaring the buster or survivor for increased fear bonuses plus bonus xp! Hide your rifts in tiny items that you then posess and move into crevices busters cannot find. If in the bar, hide your rifts in the surveillance cameras at the top corners of rooms, they don't look there until after reading this or watching my YouTube! I've won every single game by hiding rift here, plus on respawn via rift, you're in the air and not possibly right in another busters face, ughh. That always sucks. Read my buster tips to know what else to be on the lookout for and use my strategies to both maximize fun while maximizing your win ratios. 

Winning isn't everything, let's have the most fun here, but let's be honest, winning makes it that much more fun, so checkout all I have and if you have anything to add, please do! Let's maximize the fun, wins and learning of all to have the absolute best time we can! 

Busters, this is for you. There is so much going on that this can feel impossible and if the ghost you're facing has read my blog and watched my YouTube videos or my live twitch, yikes, you're in for a rough run. Not impossible to beat but it's going to be rough. Let's make it the least rough we can currently. You've got a lot to unlock. Let's start here. 

When first playing, rush around maps to pickup fungus and hidden clips that are the size of fungus. They serve no useful purpose outside of obtaining xp very quickly to get leveled up fast! This will be the quickest way to maximize levels for all players before diving into spirit or buster, buster! While doing that you will also get a single daily mission, weekly mission to do to get extra xp, plus unlock gadgets for your gear, or clothing customization. 

Outside of the daily and weekly there's a folder for side gigs, do them! They'll help unlocks more xp, gear and customizations. You also get research projects in the office in the top of the station, you can run them all together. Giving you plenty of things to do. The one I'm most hyped about is the RTV kit for traps. Pre order got it with zero work, wack. The rest of us have to work for it. No worries, you'll get everything pretty quickly. 

Now, to get those research projects you've got to level everything up. Traps get leveled only by catching ghosts in your own trap, however, don't be stingy, you've got plenty of other things to unlock. Don't force losses trying to ensure it's your trap, you can play VS bots and do this quickly. 

The top tip, when you tether a ghost, the first person tethering controls the movement! Say it with me, the first person who tethers, controls where the ghost loves, no one else. The other tethers control how hard the ghost has to work to break that tether. Now, if you each time it right, when the firstly tether breaks, the second now controls movement etc and so on. If you're all tethered on close to the same time, it'll just break for all and you'll have to retether before the ghost bails. 

Now that's out of the way, let's talk rifts. If you don't get rid of them, the long process of catching that slurm chucking spirit is going to suck even more because they'll respawn 3 more times out of rifts. Find those and break them quick. The ghost will, if smart, come turn off your proton pack, snatch their rift and run like hell to rehide it. Placing your traps around the back of each other near the rift and when the ghost comes to stop you, they'll fall into your trap making a free catch while busting that rift. Yes it's possible, I've done it on both sides live on Twitch๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜….

Keep your fear down, and stay with your team. Unless you're going against a brand new ghost or very very lucky, you're not going to 1 v 1 or even 2 v 1 a ghost. Have teams of2, run that ghost into your other group and hit them hard and fast that way you're not stuck running the entire map playing an endless game of chase and hide and seek. That can be a boring nightmare. 

Find a room with the ghost with only one exit? Don't rush in or alert the ghost you're there, mark near the room to alert the team to move in. Marking the ghost alerts the ghost and proximity mic means the ghost can hear you if nearby. Epic move on the game devs part until you account for console parties and discord to make it irrelevant but let's pretend you use in game chat like the rest of us ๐Ÿ˜ฏ. Marking an area near to setup to run the ghost out to the team while you create a wall to catch them works every ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ single ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ time ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ. 

Look in bushes, tops of areas, etc to find hidden rifts, any ghost who's played more than 5 games hides their rifts. Get rid of them asap and then hunt the ghost. Skip consoling people unless you must and if you must, only 1 scout on the team should do it while the others stay prepared for a smart ghost to interrupt for max scare bonus. 

Rush those rifts! I cannot stress this enough, rush the rifts, rush the rifts, rush the rifts. Rifts gone puts the game in your favor fully. A ghost has no worries until there are no rifts remaining, then the ghost has to stress. Working as a team is a must, if you can not do that, play with bots, they're great teammates! 

Once everyone follows my guides they'll be max level in no time and wreaking havock, ensure that's you! 

Any tips you've found, let's us know on Twitch or YouTube and drop a comment, let's discuss it and be the best busters and ghosts out here. 

Thanks for following along, I wish you many fun games! I'm having a blast, you should too! 

Friday, September 16, 2022

Evil Dead the Game, New demon builds. Necro Build, Puppeteer build, Plaguebringer Build, Warlord build!

No blades of grass were harmed or even touched in the hundreds of hours used to create this content. I was safely tucked away in my mom's basement. Now you too will be accused of havin no life, being told to touch grass etc because of how hard you will dominate! 

Alright, it's time for me to face my Demons and let out my demon builds. These builds are absolutely insane and require pure sweat on survivors to stop. You're going to steamroll most survivors and when you have these down finally, you're going to steamroll everyone, including me ๐Ÿ˜ญ

     I'm releasing these because I want to see more demon mains having fun and this will force me to change my survivor playstyle. My team is going to really not like me putting this out here but I do this for you because you're still my team, we're all Mayo fam, so let's get agressive and dive right in...

Necro, my least favorite demon but this Necro build after the recent September patch will have you syeamrolling survivors in no time. Boss isn't focused here because bosses die quick here. Bosses ressurect skill has been nerfed into the ground making it useless to waste your points here. Focus those elites and aim at the ground. I tell survivors to shoot skeletons in the feet, I learned it playing necro and using the elites to shoot the ground. The splash dps is beautiful and no one is expecting it and nearly cannot be dodged. 

   Try this build out. Never forget to flip vehicles around objectives to Strand survivors so they have to pass where you allow them to pass. You're the demon, you must ensure you're in control by removing cars in your paths early game.

Next up 
I have always been a Puppeteer fan since day 1 and I want to see more puppet players loving their games without much sweat on their end. Raise that fear on survivors and posess them. Run those basics. Having trouble with the basic unit posessions? Always remember, combo your attacks like this L, L, dodge, L, L or whatever combo you want but put that dodge after 2 attacks.
 Dodge is important here, it leaves the coooldown animation alone and skips past it allowing you to control your unit for safety. The longer they live with this build, the more dps you hit with. Dodge is also important because survivors attack in combo and hunters want quick easy headshots from Demons in cool down animations. We're getting around all of that keeping you moving with dodge. Now it's unlikely you'll be hit often keeping your basics alive longer.

    Build those levels fearing and possessing survivors quickly. Thrashing vehicles helps build levels and puts you in control. The name of the game here is, whoever stresses out first loses. This is a no stress build and strategy. Why stress when you can have tons of fun? Make them sweat while you goof off. 

Next up

She's a fun one. She's also got that stank finger. Grabbing survivors and infecting them with blight. Dropping pots to trap and stress survivors. She's got so many strategies and she can be so much fun. You don't have to dominate in minutes with her, but with this build you can. Even if you don't, this build will drain them of ammo, shemps and amulets so hard, the end game is handed to you. Even if you end up against me as a survivor, you'll dominate end game and at worst still have the book to destroy easily here. 

    My favorite is possessing basics, going to town, keeping them fighting and running out of supplies. You have the boss to throw potions and scream in their faces. Dodge hunter ash ability and stay away from David's aura of blue death and you'll rock survivors out. 
     When you see hunter ash reach behind his back, move! If you're possessing a unit when he reached back, leave it instantly. I love to goad hunter ash into using his ability, jumping at him then leaving the unit so I now save my energy and dominate him. That's for a different post though, enjoy this build. 

Now, the time is for my queen, the queen of nasty, the princess of bile, the lap dance no one wanted by in the trailer park after dark 
You just can't go wrong with my queen. Puking stopping dodgers, removing shields, doing nice dps. Let's be real, you see a lot of warriors in every match and it's a headache. Not anymore. Just a fart and some heavy attacks and they're gone. 

    Hemo was nerfed into the ground this patch, it's not worth having anymore. Possessing random units around the map, puking with her, I can't go into how much fun she is, you just have to come see on stream. I dread the day I have to face her with this build. It sucks. 

     Come see what it's all about and let me know, did these builds work for you? How much fun are you having now? Keep an eye out, I keep working towards the best because I want you to be the best! Make me look like a noob on survivor! 

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

What truly needs to be in asymmetrical horror games

Asymmetrical horror games are becoming huge hits across the board. While asymmetrical games have been a growing hit with Identity V, more have grown in popularity among horror lovers and gamers alike. 
    Streamers often skip over these types of games because they can become very repetitive and drone over the same content over and over but many have grown to love this style. Not only do fans love playing these games, they build communities based on these games across online forums, Reddit, Twitter and now even Facebook group communities are populating.

     We have seen these communities rise through the rising popularity of Dead by Daylight and many have coined this game the "Horror Hall of Fame". It very well could hold such a title if it ever brought in Jim Bob Briggs and Darcy the Mail Ghoul or even The Boulet Brothers as Killers from Dragula with Biqtch Puddin as one of the many survivors.

   While there's a plethora of horror content DBD may lack in, this leaves opportunity for other developers to grab hold of horror franchise licensing and create their own game or even create a Roblox style of gaming setup that would allow for a true existence of asym horror franchises to grow and become the true headliner act of "The Horror Hall Of Fame". 

     So what would gamers, horror fans, content creators and their viewers want to come together to see and participate as a community? We can look to these communities to see these ideas sprout daily.

     Currently there's a huge demand for a horde style battle of Army of Darkness in Castle Kandar where survivors would work together to keep Evil Ash from breaking down the castle walls and lead Ash to victory in defeating the invading deadites in a castle clash style horde mode. 

    Just imagine, you're Evil Ash, set to build units, ressurect your armies from their graves and pummel castle Kandar in one last massive battle. Survivors scrambling to stop the trebuchet, incoming flaming boulders from catapults and burning carcasses launched over the castle walls that can poison and even cause mass possession to take place inside.
      When under posession other teaming demon players reek havock from inside the walls while evil ash and his army continue to push from the outside to break in. The Pit Witch breaks free from the pit to cause chaos inside. 

     So many possibilities could happen with this one major content push from Saber Interactive Evil Dead the game. A fairly new title in the asym horror world that has taken horror fans by storm. Jump into game today to see what the hype is about and join a community to see these growing ideas for a horde mode!

     Everyone remembers the amazing but quickly dead Friday the 13th asym horror and plenty of other contenders have entered the battlefield and have been glorious but what are we missing currently besides a horde mode battle Royale inside castle Kandar? 

     Imagine an asym horror game that changes. That's a lot to take in and would be some serious work for any developer or even team of developers. An asym game that pushed boundaries and comfort. A psychological thriller included in the horror gaming industry. Teams working together to win to realize, they have been the evil ones all along. The havok they reeked to out the Demons turns out, weren't Demons but normal people fighting to keep their lives safe ๐Ÿ‘€. 

     Imagine asym where winning can sometimes turn into losing and there is no up or down. Surviving alone one game would be the true victory while bringing your team in for the win could be the loss. After winning a short horror film plays on to inform you of the latter years on what transpired after the win. Your saving them was bringing the Demons across the threshold of hell and now they're on earth and you now have to go into a new match to battle them and the only ones left to help you are those you didn't defeat in the match prior. 
    Mind blowing! We know ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคฏ. This type of game could seriously change the playgrounds and communities throughout the asym gaming world. Would you be up for that? Leave your thoughts, help expand, let's get these ideas in front of developers and streamers to make them popular and make them happen. What ideas do you have to help grow the asym horror gaming world as we know it? No boundaries here. Let's create the future of asym horror together! 

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Sunday, August 14, 2022

Top Reasons Your Friends Never Talk About Horror

 Hey horror fans and Mayoites. Today we're taking a look at why your friends never talk about horror. Why would anyone not want to talk about horror? 

    Horror is now a major trend in society today. Flip through Twitch, Facebook reels, YouTube and Tiktok and you'll find most of the top content FNF gaming, jump scare city and even little kids gaming out looking for the scariest content today to play!.

  Who doesn't love horror at this point? Even those who didn't grow up with Tammy and the T Rex and those who may not know who Joe Bob Briggs are wind up loving horror as soon as they catch it. What's the point of enjoying horror and never discussing it? 

  We've narrowed down the Top Reasons Your Friends Don't Talk About Horror. 

     The #1 reason we've found out why your friends don't talk horror is gatekeeping. Society is stuck on ruining new fans fun. What a bunch of duds. The hipsters of fan clubs. 

    The snoody know it all goobers who want to lock content and fun away from you. You can't possibly know the inner working of Wes Craven or Omg, you like mainstream horror? What a child, true horror fans only like cult classics that are B rated horror. ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„ 

    We can't think of anything worse than the rain on your parade "old school" that new horror fans ever have to deal with. Skip those chuds and have fun. Let your friends enjoy what they recently found and make sure to help them support it.

   Even if you've seen everything, let them recommend you something, re-watch it and discuss it. We can all enjoy horror over and over. Let them have this moment and you'll be talking horror in no time.


    Fear of image after telling people they love horror. With so many judgemental, some are afraid to tell others they enjoy or even love horror so they fully just skip the discussion even when presented. Enjoying horror is an inate trait in all of us. This could be anything that scares us becomes thrilling in one way or another. 

    Just remember, no matter the reasons why friends don't discuss horror, anytime is a great time to strike up that conversation. Invite them to see a horror movie or invite them over to enjoy one at the house. Covid or other reasons you can't go out or have them over? 

    Stop by my stream every Sunday at 5pm CST to watch a horror movie with me and any other day to hangout, chat horror and watch some horror game play. I'm building a community and would love to have you as a part of it. Maybe you're already a part of it? Invite some other friends and help build the community and let's all hangout together 

                              ๐Ÿ–ค ๐Ÿ–ค ๐Ÿ–ค <<<Click Here To Join>>> ๐Ÿ–ค ๐Ÿ–ค ๐Ÿ–ค 


Thursday, May 5, 2022

We're back!

Hey everyone, I know it's been a while and we miss you. All of our old posts have been cleared and we're starting fresh. We've got some new content headed your way. Sign back up to get updates on our horror streaming, news and gaming content. May 13th Evil Dead the game drops and we will be the first to drop gameplay stream and info. 

Don't forget to pre order your copy for exclusive in game items and if you're on Xbox, punch your Microsoft rewards punch card prior to preorder to get 4,000 points! Avaliable May 2nd - May 30th via Microsoft rewards hub Xbox app.